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Sunday, September 12, 2010

“The Ben and Jerry adventure”

Tense those eye lids, look beyond yonder and say “The Ben and Jerry adventure” and (wait for it..) lip curl.

A relentless pursuit it was to buy a bucket of Ben & Jerry ice cream; 5 malls and 4 “foreign maal” general stores. All these shops and two frowning faces. Yes, we were incapable of this task as two foreign people in an unforeign land, it was tedious.

“Man the traffic is too much, and its fucking wet” Ben said with a Whipack!, a hit to the thigh. I was there staring at the dark sky with droplets hitting my eyes and concealing the tears of pain, the pain of not having the Ben & Jerry’s when needed. Yes, this is what drives people, does it not? The power. The Money. The Ice cream. The need to be resourceful, I mean.

Jerry stepped out of the auto with a frown of clinical unsatisfactory twitches and Ben, stepped out with a This-is-going-to-be-funny look. It was humid with a tinge of damp pee, a narrow cement snake hole to a long poorly lit corridor. A few looks here and few looks there. “who called the geeks from biology class” Ben said in a twang that only hides the obvious insecurity of a south Indian boy born in America. Sheepishly, I laughed thinking that it was funny, considering it was a death metal concert. Just then a boy who was 16 ran in with checked shorts and a long sweater, curly long hair and one who would get honorary membership to the eunuch convention. The music being great and all, with a mosh pit that was within the four walls of a hall the size of a Balu the bear’s cave and with acoustics that Balu enjoyed too.

That eunuch was going mad, he was more boisterous than the fat pigmy with the Chinese beard who was standing next to me, shaking his head like it was solar powered. “What do fat people do with so much fat?”
Caucasians and Indian folk have one similarity, they are unassuming and difference being we can adapt and they change things, and we change with them which is also assumingly unassuming.

...... twisted. (Wait for it..) lip curl.


Unknown said...

Mind Boggling. No really I do mean mind boggling! Your fluidity with keystrokes never ceases to flummox me. Refreshing in a blogoverse where everyone is obsessed with perfection and conformity. The day I find myself not reading your posts atleast 4 times will be the day I stop subscribing to your blog!

Sahir said...

This latest post makes me want to quit my job and eat ice cream for a living. Thanks for this breathe of fresh air during an otherwise "assumingly unassuming" workday.